Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Lotus Eater

Well I've been thinking about what equipment I would like to buy and in what order I'd like to try to get it. This is a list of that.

First, I wanna get my Mesa 4x12 Oversized cab. This will be about $940. I'm in dire need of a decent cab and I figured, why settle for something shitty when I'm going to want to upgrade to this in the future anyways?

Second, I wanna get a bit of rack gear. I obviously need to buy a rack first, which will probably be a 4 or 6 space one, unless I get one that is made into a road case for a head, which I might do, I'm just not sure yet, because you have to order road cases based on the dimensions of the head or whatever is in them, and I'm not sure which head I want to get later on. But anyways, I want to get a rack tuner, Korg preferably, but I will probably get a Behringer one or something. If I don't get a rack tuner, I might just get another one of the Boss pedal tuners.

Third, I want to get a BBE Sonic Maximizer to put into my rack, just because they make your setup sound really good.

Fourth, I would need to get a power conditioner for the rack, which would be some Furman model I'm sure.

Fifth, and probably way after I get everything else before this, will be a new head. I'm looking at Mesa Dual Rectifiers or a Bogner Uberschall. Either one is going to be pressing towards $2000, which is why this is coming way after I get the rest of the stuff I listed, plus my head isn't really bad at all, and works for most of what I need it to do.

Sixth, I wanna get a Mesa 2x12 cab to go along with my 4x12, or maybe even a second 4x12 one?

Seventh, I wanna get an Ernie Ball Music Man John Petrucci model. These things are the nicest guitars I have EVER played in my life and I would die to have one of my own. I played one in Guitar Center last Monday and it blew me away how amazingly it played. Too bad even the standard ones are like 2 grand...

Anyways, that's my blog about gear. Lemme know if you have any thoughts on it, or something else I should get instead?

"Fleeting in sorrow
Pushing your spirit away,
Seeking the weakness of dislike,
Whispered from the heart.
To be, we're all in the mourning,
To despair."
-Opeth, "The Lotus Eater"


This is a few days later than I had hoped but...

My Christmas actually turned out pretty decently, which is quite the opposite of how I had originally thought it would. I did not ask for too many things, and the few I did, I pretty much got them. To name a few: 1 terabyte external hard drive, 4 gigs of RAM for my laptop, and my gym membership.

The Monday for Christmas I went up to my Dad's house, where I stayed until Christmas day. It wasn't too bad really. There is a weird kid that lives across the street from Dad, who kind of acts a little bit "slow" and I feel bad for him, but he certainly is persistent about coming over to my Dad's EVERY time we come in the damn door. But I got to finish Eldest and relax for a few days, which was pretty relieving. I got to hang out with my Dad a pretty good amount too which is always fun, haha. I saw my aunt and uncle some too, which was cool. All in all it was fun.

Christmas day I came back home to Wilmington and had my second part of my Christmas gatherings. I got to see my uncle Gary and all my other family for the most part. We had a good time, and as usual I was the one handing out all the presents from under the tree. The last few years I have had my little cousin Maguire helping me as well!

So that was my blog to sum up Christmas! Short but kinda sweet, I guess? I might post one to sum up 2008 like Ryan did, but I'm lazy and I don't want to spend the time typing up my favorite shows, albums and movies like he did! Haha.

Friday, December 26, 2008


I've become interest in reading and writing even more as of late. I have tried to write some little fantasy type stories, but they've all been terrible and generic. Once I find my creative niche I'll post up some of the stories and stuff I've been writing.

Anyways, I was in the bookstore with Lauren a few days ago and she came across a book where a bunch of random authors are given a word and then 3 minutes to write about it. I think it was a really cool concept and I'm curious as to what I would write if I was put in that situation. Maybe I'll buy that book with some of my Christmas money.

I was riding home with Lauren and her Mom the other day and her Mom mentioned that she had set a goal last year to read at least one book per month. I'm setting mine for two a month, at least. There is only a little bit of December left, but I will probably finish Brisingr within that time frame, and will start reading my next book which will be either The Highwayman by R.A. Salvatore or Twilight. I also have a version of Beowulf that I might read.

I figured since I had not posted in a pretty good while, I would post a little something. I will probably post something tomorrow that kind of sums up 2008 and explains how my Christmas went.