I just re-read all the entries I posted on here last year. It's weird to see how I felt about my life just over a year ago. I was affected so profoundly when me and that certain someone broke up, but now I can see that it has mostly changed me for the better. I'm sure I could sit here for awhile and say all the bad things that it caused and all the bad things that have happened since then that are involved with me and that person, but I've come to realize over the past 5 or 6 months that things happen, I just have to take them as they go and not waste time living in the past. I realize that other people will always be here to affect your life but it's easiest to just pretend as if they don't exist, even when they try to make themselves present.
As of now, life isn't bad at all. I have been enjoying basically every aspect of my life more than ever and I feel like a new person. It's amazing to feel the way I have been lately. I think I am going to start updating this blog pretty regularly from now on.
Unseen Terror 2024: Post-Mortem Thoughts & Rejects
4 months ago