Currently sitting in electrical trades other words doing nothing at all for an hour and a half and posting from my sidekick. Teacher doesn't really care what we do, but its an easy credit. Listening to all the rad rednecks and chavis talk about fishing, dip, and trucks is all the entertainment I really need.
Senior project has been a nightmare for me so far...its a lot harder than I had thought it was going to be. Writing an 8-10 page paper takes a long fucking time. Im on page 7, and I still need to get my conclusion done. Giving my paper to my advisor next block so he can check it over the weekend, and ill finish up the last page and stuff this weekend too.
Besides that, my only weekend plans are and practice after school today. Finishing up new song, and probably just running through the set a time or two. Saturday I gotta work 4 to close, which will be boring as hell. But that paycheck next week will probably be worth it. And then we play luckys sunday with ambush, liberty and joe grizzely. Ambush is good and liberty sounds ok from their recordings. Joe grizzely isn't so good though, haha.
Me and laurens 2 year anniversary is the 21st...hard to believe its already been that long. I hope we get to do something awesome for our anniversary. Im making sure I don't have work and have no other plans to make it as happy as possible for the both of us. I hope we stay happy and together for a really long time. I think we still have the potential to last. :)
Edit: in algebra 2 now. Last class of the day. The weekends only an hour away! Im so ready to get out. Getting mad sleep tonight after practice and whatever. Might try and get farther in Eldest too. I was really into it but I haven't gotten a chance to read a big chunk of it cause of this damn paper. Whatever, after I get eldest done, im moving on to brisingr. Might pick up some other books after that, depends really if I feel like I have the interest and time to read.
That's about all I guess.
Unseen Terror 2024: Post-Mortem Thoughts & Rejects
4 months ago
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