Ah, it's been ages since I've posted on here. But I feel the need to post something again.
I've more or less been in love with reading lately surprisingly and I have spent a lot of time reading. I read both of the Star Wars Darth Bane novels, and I am now anxiously waiting the release of the third book, which is said to come out in late 2009. Since I knocked out the second book, I've got awhile to read some other stuff. I finished Eragon and began on Eldest, so I'm gonna finish that one up and then read Brisingr. I wanna read some non-fantasy books after I get done with those, any suggestions?
It's just past one in the morning right now and I'm just beginning to show signs of being tired, which isn't a good sign for me since I have to be up for school in the morning around 8. But I am very relieved after today to find that I am passing all of my classes, with only one being below an 80. I have a 90 in Senior project/English IV, a 94 in Electrical Trades (I literally know less about that subject since I've started that class), an 84 or something in Digital Video Productions (Easiest class ever, but still fun, Mr. Halstead is awesome) and then finally, I have a 74 in Algebra 2. I'm just happy to get by passing a math class after my terrible failure in Geometry, haha.
I've gotta pass all my classes this year, and as long as things keep on going smoothly like they are, I'll be out of high school right on schedule. Report cards come out on the 10th, which means I will be able to drive. The van will be back on the road again, so expect to see the old brown stickered up van all over town all the time if you live here in Wilmington.
I think I'm gonna start posting on here a lot more often again and it will be less about just what I have been up to, but about stuff I've been thinking about and stuff I have ideas I want to share on.
Side note: The new Taylor Swift disc comes out November 11th, I'm pretty excited on that (Call me lame for it, but I don't care).
Unseen Terror 2024: Post-Mortem Thoughts & Rejects
4 months ago
1 comment:
read anything by chuck palahniuk or augusten burroughs
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