This entry is a summary of what I did yesterday, to make up for not posting one. (I didn't intend to use this as a sort of journal among other things, but I kind of like posting this type of stuff on here.)
Yesterday was Friday, so I had school as usual. AFM was boring as usual, Psychology was interesting as usual and now Physical Science is going to be fun because Alex is in there with me. Only bad thing that happened was getting that nostalgic feeling even worse than normal... Anyway, I will hopefully be able to pass all these classes and graduate. Either way, my grades last semester are sufficient for me to be eligible to get my license once report cards come out this coming Monday. I won't be able to get them until Wednesday probably because I have to wait on my Dad to send me the proof of insurance for the van. Next weekend I am going to High Point and trading in the van for a car, hopefully.
Cam texted me and asked if I needed a ride and I did, so he came and got me once I got out of class and we went to Gamestop for a little bit so he could return some game he checked out. Then we went to the pizza place beside there and got some food. They had really awesome buffalo wings, which I tore through really fast. Then we did a little more stuff and I got dropped back at home.
The show last night wasn't terrible, but us and Conquer Me had next to no crowd reaction for a change. We both had been getting a pretty good response these past few shows, but for some reason everyone just decided they didn't want to get into either of us. Patriot was good, but I wasn't that excited to watch anyone after our set being such a bummer. The Mongoloids were good as usual, I just was really tired feeling and wasn't in the best of moods. I didn't even watch Agnostic Front, because I didn't want to set through all their new shit with a whole bunch of drunks everywhere just to see a few of their old songs.
That's about it. At least that I'm going to share anyways.
Unseen Terror 2024: Post-Mortem Thoughts & Rejects
4 months ago
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